Ladakh skyline mountain peaks with stars and moon

A Sweet Shattered Dream

Neel stopped dead in his track, on his way to Becky’s office. Is that who he thinks he is seeing, far ahead, talking to Becky? He can identify that figure from miles away, but he was not sure if it was his usual daydreams, or reality!

Neel vividly remembered the day he locked eyes with her, for the last time, at her farewell in the school. He had silently walked out of the room, during the “khatak” ceremony, and while taking a last look at her, she suddenly looked up at him, as if she knew exactly where he was! May be she did knew him, but refused to acknowledge that!

That last look had locked him forever, drowned him in the painful sweetness of her fragrance, and he floated in her soul since then. Probably for the rest of the eternity!

“How much time has passed by, since then?” – thought Neel! It’s hard to say – time had stopped for him since then! It’s only the purpose he found in teaching his students that kept him going.

Five years? Probably! Shouldn’t she be happily married by now, may be having two kids?

Why she has to be here now, revealing the wound buried deep in his soul! The soul that had died five year ago! The heart that had stopped beating since then!

Frozen at his place, Neel now listened to his fast beating heart! He was unable to look away, and walk away. He did that five years ago, ignoring immense pain. He has no more strength to do it again! Only that girl can release him from this.

And at that exact moment, exactly as it happened the last time, she looked up at him. It was still very far, but he knew, at that exact moment, that he could live rest of his life, carrying that wound and searing pain, with ease.

A slow smile spread on Neel’s face. He can dream of a full-moon night again, where they can again be together, and the girl can rest her head on his shoulder.


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